Who uses EI’s Online Academy?

K-12 School Districts

K-12 school districts use EI's massive video library and extensive course offerings to power their continuing education and teacher development programs. Our courses are aligned to all major teaching rubrics and can be integrated into your district's LMS for progress monitoring and utilization tracking. Our giant academy gives your staff voice and choice of exceptional resources for educator growth.

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Colleges of Education

With more than 7,000 titles on every topic in education, faculty members are embedding EI videos into their teacher preparation courses. Videos bring classroom theory to life and are a valuable resource for professors and instructional designers in colleges and universities. Aspiring teachers welcome the alternative to traditional text-based learning and gain invaluable insight into real classroom application by watching teachers in action.

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Why is video important in teacher education?

  • Visual and Experiential Learning: Videos provide a visual and experiential learning experience, allowing teachers to observe effective teaching practices in action. They can see how experienced teachers engage with students, manage classroom dynamics, deliver lessons, and facilitate learning activities. This visual component helps teachers better understand the practical application of pedagogical techniques, making the learning process more engaging and memorable.
  • Reflective Practice: Videos offer a means for teachers to engage in reflective practice. By watching themselves or others teach on video, teachers can analyze their own instructional strategies, identify areas for improvement, and gain insights into their teaching style, body language, and communication skills. This self-reflection promotes professional growth and encourages teachers to refine their instructional approaches.
  • Accessibility and Flexibility: Videos can be accessed anytime, anywhere, making teacher training more flexible and accessible. Teachers can watch videos at their own pace, according to their schedules and needs. This flexibility allows them to revisit specific segments, pause, and reflect on the content, ensuring a personalized and self-paced learning experience.
  • Exposure to Diverse Teaching Practices: Videos enable teachers to witness a wide range of teaching practices and methodologies. They can explore different approaches, instructional strategies, and classroom management techniques from various contexts, cultures, and subject areas. This exposure broadens teachers' perspectives, enhances their repertoire of teaching methods, and encourages them to adapt and experiment with new ideas in their own classrooms.
  • Peer Learning and Collaboration: Videos can be used as a basis for peer learning and collaboration among teachers. Educators can watch and discuss videos together, exchange feedback, share insights, and engage in collaborative problem-solving. This collaborative learning environment fosters a sense of community among teachers, promotes professional dialogue, and encourages the sharing of best practices.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: Utilizing videos for teacher training can be a cost-effective solution compared to traditional in-person workshops or training sessions. It eliminates the need for travel expenses, venue arrangements, and hiring multiple trainers. Moreover, videos can be used repeatedly for different cohorts of teachers, maximizing their value and impact over time.
  • Authentic and Realistic Scenarios: Videos provide an authentic representation of classroom situations, challenges, and student interactions. They capture real-time dynamics, showcasing the complexities of teaching. This authenticity allows teachers to develop a realistic understanding of the teaching profession and prepares them for the complexities they may encounter in their own classrooms.

In summary, using videos as a training tool for teachers offers a visual, reflective, and flexible learning experience. It exposes teachers to diverse teaching practices, encourages collaboration, and provides an authentic representation of the teaching profession. Ultimately, video-based training enhances the professional development of teachers, leading to improved instructional practices and better student outcomes.